About the Workshop: From Surviving to Thriving

A Mindful approach to personal wellbeing and success

This is a full day workshop but can be presented in two-half days or scaled down to one-half day depending on the needs of the client.

At its core, every workshop we give is rooted in mindfulness and shares the same foundational message, however we tailor the specifics to fit the needs of your unique business or institution. 

The overarching purpose of this workshop is to educate, empower and inspire the participant towards a greater sense of overall well-being and to create a culture of wellness and thriving within the company or institution.  At the heart of this training is the understanding that words don’t teach, only life experience teaches. It is interactive and every teaching point is followed by an experiential exercise which gives the participant the opportunity to cement the learning in their own experience.

Benefits to the learner:

  • A conceptual and experiential understanding of how to use mindfulness to release stress, anxiety, worry and any other limiting emotions which may be hindering your health and performance
  • An antidote to burnout and depression
  • Improved communication and collaboration skills
  • Increased sense of empowerment from learning skills for resilience and developing the confidence to respond to challenges at school or work and in life

You will learn:

  • Practical tools you can use as leverage to create a resourceful state of being
  • How to deal with procrastination, negative patterns of thought and triggers
  • How to practice self-care and non-judgement
  • How to develop your concentration skills
  • How to build positive momentum and achieve sustainable change
  • How to create your personalized wellness strategy

Benefits to the learning institution:

  • Higher retention rates
  • Competitive advantage for recruiting
  • Increased performance, creativity and productivity
  • Promoting a more supportive learning environment with a focus on wellness
  • Establishing a culture of THRIVING for students, employees, and the institution as a whole