Current Statistics on depression, anxiety and stress disorders clearly indicate that we are missing the mark when it comes to wellness and that we can no longer afford to maintain the status quo. In any given week, at least 500,000 employed Canadians are unable to work due to mental health problems (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health). As conclusive data emerges pertaining to the specific costs associated with mental health-related issues, the corporate world is starting to take note.

I design and facilitate workshops for forward-thinking organizations who want to address the growing concerns surrounding mental issues at work and the related costs of stress, anxiety, depression and burnout so that they can demonstrate social responsibility while protecting and enhancing their bottom line.

My ability to deliver an informative, engaging and inspiring presentation with conviction and authenticity comes from my unique and personal understanding of what it means to survive debilitating depression and to come out the other side and learn to thrive. I understand what it’s like to be a high-functioning employee who is getting by but not operating at their peak and what it costs the organization in lost creativity and productivity. I created MindFocus as a platform to bring this knowledge and experience to organizations like yours.

Core Beliefs

  • Your people are your greatest strength
  • Wellness and productivity go hand in hand
  • Self Care in the new Health Care
  • Mindfulness is on the leading edge of possibility